Bringing impressive phase noise, VCO testing, and spectrum analysis measurements together in one powerful and precise workflow.
The PN400 harnesses the power of two SM family spectrum analyzers to create Signal Hound’s Phase Noise and VCO Test System. Enabling cross-correlation unlocks phase noise floors 20-30 dB lower than the capabilities of a single SM200 / SM435. The integrated low noise variable power supply and tune voltage facilitate precise VCO testing and characterization that includes tuning sensitivity and VCO pushing. Achieve high-performance automated test results in diverse systems with the PN400.
Signal Hound’s new Advanced Phase Noise Test Tool Kit unlocks enterprise-grade accuracy and cutting-edge features in your test and measurement environment. This feature-rich software kit is activated through Spike™ and requires a separate purchase with an annual renewal.
PN400 Features:
- Phase noise testing and characterization
- VCO testing and characterization
- Production and manufacturing testing
- Source characterization
- System level debug
- All the power of Signal Hound’s spectrum analysis capabilities
Required for PN400 Operation:
- PN400 Phase Noise & VCO Tester
- Advanced Phase Noise Test Tool Kit Software License
- Two (2) SM-spectrum analyzers
- *Mix and match SM200 or SM435
- *SM spectrum analyzers not required if you already own
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