VSG60 Technical Software and Hardware Change Log Please send bug reports and feedback to aj@signalhound.com - Version 1.0.15 (4/24/2023) * Added SCPI commands for configuring WLAN waveforms. * Not hiding connect progress dialog when in hidden mode. - Version 1.0.14 (3/12/2023) * Added SCPI commands for configuring the channel impairment filter taps. :OUTPut:IMPairments:CHANnel:LENgth? :OUTPut:IMPairments:CHANnel:DATA :OUTPut:IMPairments:CHANnel:DATA? * Bug fix: Setting SCPI port on command line. * Bug fix: Fixed issue with AWGN BW SCPI command. Should now properly accept frequency values. - Version 1.0.13 (12/20/2022) * Bug fix: Device connecting dialog not shown long enough. * Bug fix: Progress bar not styled correctly. - Version 1.0.12 (12/8/2022) * Added dark mode and configurable accent color. * Added SCPI commands for saving and loading user presets. :SYSTem:PRESet[:USER]:SAVE :SYSTem:PRESet[:USER]:LOAD * Settings are now configurable with no device connected. * Connection dialogs are not shown when GUI is hidden. * SCPI port can be set on command line. * Bug fix: Prevent application from opening off screen. - Version 1.0.11 (8/23/2022) * Bugfix: Correct style regression. - Version 1.0.10 (8/17/2022) * The bit sequence in digital modulation is now interpreted as big endian instead of little endian. - This change was made so that the VSG60 software would be in line with the Spike software and other test and measurement equipment. * Added SCPI commands for configuring custom constellations for digital modulation. - Version 1.0.9 (6/29/2022) * Added I/Q phase and amplitude imbalance impairments. * Added phase noise impairments. - Create custom phase noise shapes. Applies to all * Added multi-path channel filter generator. - Quickly and easily generate parameterized and randomized multi-path scenarios. - Located in channel filter editor. * Added user flatness corrections. * Can now oversample up to 64 for digital modulations, enabling symbol rates down to 195.3125 sym/s. - Oversample must be set first before setting the lower sample rates. * Increased resolution shown on main frequency control. * Added command line option for hiding the user interface for headless operation. - Also added SCPI command to hide the UI. - See the user manual for more information. * Added ability to disable the SCPI lockout dialog. * Added file menu option to manage calibration data. * Added SCPI command for setting custom digital modulation bits. * Added SCPI commands for loading sequence files. * Added SCPI commands for setting the half-sine window in digital modulation. * Added SCPI commands for configuring the idle interval in digital modulation mode. * Added SCPI commands for enabling impairment channel filters. * Bug fix: CSV files will no longer fail to load if they have trailing commas or additional values after the first 2 on each line. * Bug fix: AWGN bandwidth properly saved in presets. * Bug fix: Fixed SCPI command for setting AWGN length. * Bug fix: LTE presets not properly save/load bandwidth setting. * Bug fix: LTE test model 15MHz bandwidth now uses proper sample rate. * Bug fix: FSK waveforms at low sample rates took a long time to reconfigure, should be improved. - Version 1.0.8 (11/15/2021) * Added LTE signal generation. Transmit common downlink RMC and test model waveforms. * Added WLAN 802.11ax signal generation. Transmit 20/40MHz standard compliant waveforms. * Added power level offset control. Adjust output power level for external components and losses. * Added spectrum inversion impairment. * Added SCPI commands for new power level offset and spectrum inversion controls. - Version 1.0.7 (7/15/2021) * External triggers are now emitted when transmitting waveforms in continuous mode. See external trigger section in manual for more details. * New custom OFDM signal generation. * Added SCPI commands for streaming mode. * Added SCPI command for loading .wave files in ARB mode. * Bluetooth LE: Added modulation index control. Added Gaussian BT control. Added filter length control. Can now control oversample amount. Displays signal length. * Bug fix: Step sweep with certain configuration would hang. * Bug fix: Fixed symbol editor loading. Was improperly interpreting the data as hex even when it was only 0's and 1's. - Version 1.0.6 (10/23/2020) * Rise/fall time shaping on BLE waveforms. * Reduced sample rate for unmodulated waveforms. Lowers PC/USB requirements and improves stability for certain PCs. * Added SCPI commands for the Arb I/Q scale controls. [:SOURce]:RADio:ARB:IQ:SCALe:AUTO[:STATe] [:SOURce]:RADio:ARB:IQ:SCALe [:SOURce]:RADio:ARB:IQ:SCALe:AVERage[:STATe] * Bug Fix: Improved amplitude accuracy on WLAN waveforms. * Bug Fix: Changed SCPI commands for loading 16/32-bit binary files from :BIN16/:BIN32 to :BINSC/:BINFC. See SCPI manual for full commands and descriptions. - Version 1.0.5 (8/18/2020) * Added streaming mode. Using the streaming mode, customers can transmit sequences of arbitrarily large waveform files. Streaming mode does not limit transmit file size. * Added arb sequence editor Create sequences of I/Q data and frequency changes to create complex frequency hopping waveforms using a convenient user interface. Sequence files are transmitted in the standard arb mode. * Can now set an oversample rate of 8 for digital modulations. * WAV file type is now supported in Arb/Streaming transmit mode. * Can now use SCPI to load arbitrary waveforms by specifying either a waveform filename or providing the I/Q data directly. Supports loading I/Q waveforms over SCPI in ascii format. See the SCPI programming manual for more information. * Added power on preset functionality. Use power on presets to load a specific configuration at software startup. * Added Half-Sine filter for digital modulations. - Version 1.0.4 (5/12/2020) * Added 802.11ac waveform generation. * All 802.11 waveforms can now be single triggered. - Version 1.0.3 (4/22/2020) * Official Linux release. * Added Bluetooth Low Energy waveform generation. - Version 1.0.2 (3/4/2020) * Select I/Q start/stop range in Arb output mode. * Now able to load Midas Blue waveforms in Arb output mode. * Added 802.11n 20MHz waveform output mode. * Max payload size for 802.11a waveforms is now 4095 bytes. * Removed 10MS/s symbol rate upper limit in digital modulation output mode. - Version 1.0.1 (9/16/2019) * Introduced Power Saving CPU Mode. See Software manual for more information. * Firmware version is now displayed in the status bar. * SCPI: Updated AM and FM commands. * SCPI: Added *OPC and *ESR? commands. - Version 1.0.0 (8/23/2019) * Initial Release.